We at The Royal And Fortescue Hotel are known for doing the best we can for our guests, this includes being honest and open about our prices. We use a Best Price Guaranteed policy to show that our prices are accurate and as low as possible - if you ever manage to find a cheaper deal elsewhere, we will ensure that this would be price matched with us, it’s one of the many reasons why our guests return year after year.
Booking directly has many perks for you as a hotel guest below are just a few we have compiled together for you:
Exclusive Discounts
You will receive exclusive offers and the most up-to-date information and added value packages.
24 Hour Cancellation
You will not receive any penalty charges. You can cancel your booking directly with us up to 24 hours prior to your arrival without any penalty charges (excluding any pre-paid reservations) with no hidden extras.
Booking Made Easy
Reserving on our website or booking on the phone is quick, clear, and easy. If you have any questions our reservation teams are ready to assist you.
Discounts to Local Attractions
You will also receive reduced prices at North Devon attractions; we have teamed up with many attractions around our hotel in North Devon so our guests can receive exclusive discounts when they visit. Our reception team are always more than happy to help you plan your day out.
The Barnstaple Collection
When you book direct you will also be entitled to exclusive discounts and benefits available at all of the other Brend Hotels. Just speak to our reception team for more information.
Up-to-date Information
Our websites are continually being updated with the latest details and photography so we will always provide you with the most up-to-date hotel news and information.
We'll Always Try to Accommodate You
We also provide you with the most up-to-date availability and will always do our best to allocate you the best rooms we have available when you book directly with us.
Book directly with our reception team on 01271 342289 or take a look at what offers we have available and get ready for the perfect holiday at The Royal & Fortescue with the best discounts and prices.